Another amazing trip in the books! We are blessed to be a part of such an innovative, exciting, and FUN industry. Hal, Brock, Marcus and Logan set flight to Las Vegas to soak in all SEMA had to offer. Bunked up in the Venetian hotel, we spent the majority of our nights reading aloud from our favorite Nicholas Sparks novels. During the day, we collectively roasted through 23 pairs of walking shoes, traveling from booth to booth, putting names to faces. As always, SEMA did not disappoint. The build quality of several vehicles has inspired many new ideas in the shop, as we continue to grow with the constant advances in the industry’s technology. The Dynosty family has a simple creedo, to enjoy every single moment we have in this community as if it was our first day on the job. Events like SEMA inspire the same feelings we all had the moment we first pressed a clutch pedal to the floor. Thank you to all of the vendors that came out, to all the builders that were on showcase, and all the area casinos that so willingly took all of our paychecks (Except Hal’s, guys a blackjack machine).