We frequently get asked about the differences between a Haltech Elite 1000 and 1500, or a 2000 and 2500. Here is the quick comparison to help clear things up for you!

First, 1xxx vs 2xxx series ECUS…

Elite 1000 is a 4 injector 4 ignition ecu. Best suited for 4 cylinder engines but can be used on more cylinders (Example wastespark, semi-sequential V8)
Elite 1500 is an Elite 1000 with advanced features added.
Elite 2000 is an 8 injector 8 ignition ecu.
Elite 2500 is an Elite 2000 with advanced features added.

Haltech Elite 2500 vs 2000 and 1500 vs 1000

Now on to the comparison… (The list will refer to 2000 vs 2500, but same statements can be applied to 1000 vs 1500.)

Here is a complete comparison chart from Haltech for reference. Hope this helps!

Haltech ECU Comparison Chart 0317